LegendFire Critique Community is pleased to announce the release of its 2022 issue of THE COMPENDIUM.
The subtitle, "Mundane Nightmares: Roots of Abandoned Dreams," is a way of creating unity among the past year's contest prompts. The challenges of 2022 pushed us to try genres we weren't comfortable with. None of us had ever written a Noir piece, yet this issue offers three of the community's attempts at the Noir genre. The issue also covers the regular territory of fantasy fiction, poetry, and memoir. The community's beloved 100 Word Weekly Challenge turned out a host of micro fiction as well.
We had no members volunteer art in time for publication, so we selected some gorgeous photography that illustrated the primary prompts. All interior images come from Unsplash and are copyright free, and all artists have been credited.
As always, The Compendium is FREE to download from Smashwords.
The 2022 issue of LegendFire Critique Community's Compendium offers a selection of fiction, nonfiction, and poetry. Explore the dark nature of dreams, meet hardboiled criminals and cops, encounter stunning poetry, and consider the mundane made extraordinary.The issue's longer works cover a broad variety of genres and a wide range of themes, from dreams gone wrong to leadership entitlement, human trafficking and persecution of minority groups. For readers short on time, a selection of hard-hitting micro fiction can be enjoyed in under a minute.This sampling of LegendFire’s 2021-2022 contest entries promises flights of fancy inspired by prompts sprung on the community’s writers with little warning. The resulting prose and stanzas are thought-provoking, often startling and, we hope, inspiring in return.Contributing authors: Patricia Denny-Purvis, Edward Drummond, Court Ellyn, Finn Warrick, Aidan Zingler